Monday, June 17, 2013

Shoretel DID hitting Voicemail Directly

I was experiencing an issue with a phone where when someone called a user's DID it would hit their Voicemail.  Checked all the settings and the Call handling and everything was setup correctly where the the call should hit the Voicemail after 5 rings.... Confusing!!

Workaround to fix the issue, was to create a new Route Point in the Director.   First I had to remove the DID from the user's profile.  Then I created a Route Point for the DID and under Call handling I Call Forwarded the DID to the user's extension.  This seemed to have resolved the issue.


  1. Login into the Director
  2. Under Call Control Go to Route Point
  3. Click on Add New 
  4. Type in a name for the Route Point
  5. Accept the default extension number or type one that is not in use
  6. Enter the user's DID that is giving trouble
  7. Under Call Handling  Call Forward Always to the User's internal Extension.

Please note, this is a workaround to get the problem resolved.

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